PPS Most Important Questions For SEM-1

 PPS Most Important Questions For SEM-1 

Question 1: What do you mean by searching ? Explain Linear search and binary search with their programs.

Question 2: What do you mean by sorting ? Explain Bubble sort and selection sort with proper programs.

Question 3: Write Time and Space complexities of Linear search , Binary search , Bubble sort , Selection sort , Insertion sort.

Question 4: Differentiate Between:

Union and Structure.

Algorthim , Pseudo Code and Program. View

Implicit and Explicit Type conversion.

Scope and Lifetime.

Type Conversion and Type Casting

Linker and Loader  View

Compiler and Interpreter

While and Do while 

Call by value and Call by reference

Void and Int datatypes.

Break and Continue.

Question 4: Discuss Dynamic Memory Allocation . Explain calloc(), malloc(), realloc(), and free() functions with suitable examples.

Question 5: Write a program to find : Multiplication of two matrices ( two dimensional array ) and a program for Transpose of matrix.

Question 6: Define Recursion. Write a program for find fibonacci series, factorial of given number, gcd of given two numbers.

Question 7: Discuss Linked List. Write advantage for the use of linked list.

Question 8: Discuss Storage class and include the details of storage place, default value, scope and lifetime.

Question 9: Discuss Various Data types used in C with suitable examples including their required memory size , format specifier and range.

Question 10: Draw Memory Hierarchical structure of computer system.

To be continued...


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