PPS Most Important Questions For SEM-1
Question 1: What do you mean by searching ? Explain Linear search and binary search with their programs.
Question 2: What do you mean by sorting ? Explain Bubble sort and selection sort with proper programs.
Question 3: Write Time and Space complexities of Linear search , Binary search , Bubble sort , Selection sort , Insertion sort.
Question 4: Differentiate Between:
⦁ Union and Structure.
⦁ Algorthim , Pseudo Code and Program. View
⦁ Implicit and Explicit Type conversion.
⦁ Scope and Lifetime.
⦁ Type Conversion and Type Casting
⦁ Linker and Loader View
⦁ Compiler and Interpreter
⦁ While and Do while
⦁ Call by value and Call by reference
⦁ Void and Int datatypes.
⦁ Break and Continue.
Question 4: Discuss Dynamic Memory Allocation . Explain calloc(), malloc(), realloc(), and free() functions with suitable examples.
Question 5: Write a program to find : Multiplication of two matrices ( two dimensional array ) and a program for Transpose of matrix.
Question 6: Define Recursion. Write a program for find fibonacci series, factorial of given number, gcd of given two numbers.
Question 7: Discuss Linked List. Write advantage for the use of linked list.
Question 8: Discuss Storage class and include the details of storage place, default value, scope and lifetime.
Question 9: Discuss Various Data types used in C with suitable examples including their required memory size , format specifier and range.
Question 10: Draw Memory Hierarchical structure of computer system.
To be continued...
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