Chemistry Important Topics...

 2 Marks And 3.5 Marks Important Topics..

1. MOT

2. Graphite Properties

3. Nanotechnology

4. Lambert-Beer's Law numerical

5. Chromophore and Auxochrome

6. Woodword law numerical

7. NMR signals

8. Solvent effect

9. Chiral Drugs

10.Nernst equation numerical

11.Charging and discharging reaction of lead storage battery.

12. Waterline corrosion/ Sacrificial anodic protection method.

13.Hardness numerical

14.Alkalinity numerical

15. Reverse Osmosis

16. Calorific value

17. Ultimate analysis numerical

18. Dulong formula

19. Teflon/PAN

20. Role Of Dry ether in the Synthesis of Grignard reagent

21. TMS

22. Difference between Wale questions...


5 marks or 7 marks important topics...

1. MOT

2.Liquid Crystal. (100% sure aayega)

3. Graphite/Fullerene.

4. Nanotechnology + CNT

5. Green Principles

6. Lambert-Beer's Law

7. Chromophore and Auxochrome

8. Molecular Vibration + IR numerical

9. Chemical Shift

10. Wet theory of corrosion + Prevention method

11.Cement Manufacture + role of Gypsum

12.Leclanche cell

13.lon exchange Method of water softening

14. Lime Soda Principle + Numerical

15.Bomb Calorimeter + Numerical (100% aayega)

16. Biodegradable polymer /Conducting Polymer

17. PET, Nylon, BuNa-N,S, Kevlar, Plexi glass, Thiokol

18. Grignard Reagent/LIAIH4

Bas itna kar lo firr thanks bolna aake mujhe...


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