Question: Define Active and Passive elements with example.
Question: Define Unilateral and Bilateral elements with example.
Question: Explain the principle of operation of a transformer. Derive the EMF equation of single phase transformer.
Question: Why Synchronous motor is not self starting?
Question: Why single phase induction motor is not self starting . What are the different methods to make it self starting. Explain one of them.
Question: Applications of different types of DC motors.
Question: Describe different types of cables.
Question: Define : (i) MCB (ii) MCCB (iii)ELCB (iv) SFU
Question: Define Slip.
Question: Draw Phaser diagram: (i) for an ideal transformers on load. (ii) of a practical two winding transformer in no load condition.
Question: Describe different types of transformer losses and methods to minimize it.
Question: Discuss briefly the types of batteries and explain anyone with necessary diagram.
Question: Derive: (i) EMF equation of the DC generator.
(ii) the torque eqaution for DC machines.
Question: What are the common problems that occur during electrical installations.
Question: What are the factors affecting speed of a DC motor? Compare lap and wave type armature winding.
To be continued...
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