Assignment 2 web design

 1.Create a simple HTML table to display a schedule for a week. Include columns

for Day, Time, and Activity.

2. Design a simple personal web page that includes your name, a brief bio, and

links to your favorite websites. Use appropriate HTML tags to structure your


3. Design a table using various attributes such as colspan, rowspan, and border.

Explain how each attribute modifies the table layout.

4. Create a marquee that displays a scrolling list of links. Make sure each link

navigates to a different webpage when clicked.

5. Experiment with the <marquee> tag by applying different styles (e.g., font

size, background color, padding) to the scrolling text. Discuss how these styles

enhance readability.

6. Design a webpage with a nested marquee (a marquee inside another

marquee). Discuss potential use cases for this design.


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